Hypnosis by Donation!*

New York Hypnosis & NY-Hypnosis.com are registered TM. Copyright 2010 New York Hypnosis.

We care about you, so we’d rather you pay by donation.

Years ago, Steve, New York Hypnosis’ founder, had a friend, Stephanie, whose back went out.  Stephanie didn’t know what to do because she had no insurance and very little money.  Steve mentioned her to his friend, Dr. John - a soulful, kindhearted, understanding chiropractor - who told Steve to send her in and that he would see her for free.  Stephanie was elated, so she went to see Dr. John.  He treated her with his great skills and his amazing heart.  He told Stephanie to come back 2x a week for about a month.  Stephanie told him that she couldn’t afford it.  So he walked her to a wooden box with a small opening on the top.  He told her, “This is my donation box;  pay what your heart leads you to pay.”  Stephanie began to cry, because she’d never experienced such kindness and understanding like that before.

After Stephanie told Steve her story, a light went off in his head...


That very moment, Steve changed the policy at New York Hypnosis from an hourly fee, to “Pay By Donation”, when serving any clients in his Wappingers Falls, NY office, in a phone session or in a video chat session.

We are pleasantly surprised by how all of our clients have treated us since we began this hypnosis-by-donation idea.  While some pay us less than our normal hourly fee, we are surprised at how many pay us much more per hour.

In the end, this world is a wonderful place where people are inherently good-natured and care for each other. We are glad to be a part of it.

Free Consultation

Specializing in emotionally debilitating issues and more.
Payment by donation is decided on a case by case basis.
Because of the human factor, results may vary for all services listed below.

  1. Bulletgrief

  2. Bulletpanic attacks

  3. Bulletweight loss

  4. Bulletsmoking

  5. Bulletsleeping disorders

  6. BulletED

  7. Bulletfinding peace

  8. Bulletmemory loss

  9. BulletPTSD

  10. Bulletagoraphobia

  11. Bulletsadness

  12. Bulletdesperation

  13. Bulletself discovery

  14. Bulletcentering yourself

  15. Bulletground yourself

  16. Bulletcalm suffering

  17. Bullethopelessness

  1. Bulletanxiety

  2. Bulletstress

  3. Bulletrelationships

  4. Bulletloss

  5. Bulletdepression

  6. Bulletfocus

  7. Bulletmeditation

  8. Bulletage regression

  9. BulletOCD

  10. Bulletfears

  11. Bulletphobias

  12. BulletADHD

  13. Bulletgetting control

  14. Bulletsoulful healing

  15. Bulletvictimizations

  16. Bulletfind relief

  17. Bulletloneliness

Steve helps his clients get right to the root of the problem and causes them to get through and understand how to combat what once held them back. Clients learn how to confront issues and come out of them stronger and more aware. They gain soulful insights and tools that could have taken years to gain through other methods.

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